Supporting Information

Supporting Information may be included for deposition on the WWW. The author bears full responsibility for the content of the Supporting Information, and must keep a copy to make available to readers who do not have access to the WWW. Supporting Information may consist of original data that relate to the paper, e.g., additional or color illustrations, tables, supplemental experimental details, and characterization data, or may include information that is more convenient in electronic form, such as coordinates, spectral data, etc., or that cannot be printed: animations, audio recordings, and videos. This material should be included in the original submission for peer-review. After acceptance, succinct text and the necessary graphics should be sent as a separately saved single MS Word file with the final revised version of the manuscript. The graphics should be embedded in the file rather than as separate files. Color and animated multimedia applications in the Supporting Information are welcome and published online at no cost to the author or reader.

Note: Experimental procedures for crystallographic studies can be included, but do not include the complete crystallographic data that are available from CCDC or FIZ.

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